FINMA opens bankruptcy proceedings against FlowBank SA

Credit balances of up to CHF 100 000 per client are protected by the deposit insurance system.

The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA closed «FlowBank SA» on 13.06.2024. The statutory deposit insurance system ensures that clients of this institution will have deposits that are protected by the system returned to them. Deposits are clients’ credit balances on accounts. They are protected by the deposit insurance system up to CHF 100 000 per client and institution.

The institution is expected to have the necessary liquid funds to pay out all secured deposits. Therefore, esisuisse does not need to provide any liquid funds. The liquidator will contact the affected customers directly.

Who can I contact if I have any questions?

The liquidator, the law firm Walder Wyss AG, is available to answer your questions in connection with the bankruptcy proceedings. You can contact them by telephone on the hotline number +41 22 8888 66 00 (the bank’s telephone no.) or via email at:

Selection of the most frequently asked questions for affected customers

Questions and answers (FAQ) esisuisse

Press release FINMA as of 13.06.2024

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Answers to clients' questions (FAQ) FINMA

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This information explains the Swiss deposit insurance scheme.
The opinions expressed are those of esisuisse, and the information provided is not legally binding.
In the event of a deposit insurance call, it is the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA, a liquidator appointed by FINMA or, where applicable, a competent court, that will decide on clients’ claims rather than esisuisse itself.

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